The Beginning Of My Blog | Part One
My cabinets, closets, drawers, shelves, and spaces under beds are crammed with sketchbooks and artworks ~ typical artist angst spilling out onto pages and papers over years and years that nobody sees (except a few friends).
The crazy idea of including a blog on my website and putting these private musings out into the world is so paralyzingly frightening, I decided to do it.
If you want to live vicariously as an artist working in absolute fear - -
Or you want to feel better about yourself because you are more talented than me - -
Take a look at how I jumped in and gave it a go.
(If nothing else, I hope you will be inspired to take on a risky venture of your own).
I’m scared to put my drawings out there in a blog instead of keeping them safe and sound in my sketchbooks.
It's like sending a blind child into a room full of razor just know it's gonna get hurt.
(This is a line from the play Red written by John Logan about artist Mark Rothko.)
I can face the critics.
JUMP! Don't look down! Do it...GO!