Here it is.
The new year.
The start of a new decade.
The beginning of…..what? What do you want it to be?
I hope you find what you’re looking for.
Happy New Year 2020.
Here it is.
The new year.
The start of a new decade.
The beginning of…..what? What do you want it to be?
I hope you find what you’re looking for.
Happy New Year 2020.
The best gifts are the very simple ones.
The gift of a quiet, peaceful, calm day.
Taking time out for a long overdue rambling phone call with a dear friend.
Walking on the Southern California beaches in winter.
Snuggling with my husband, whiling away the afternoon.
Sending Secret Santa gifts to people I don’t know, and aren’t expecting anything.
I’m so grateful for the abundance of gifts in my life.
(Although, sometimes The Universe sends me a present that is quite a challenge to unwrap!?) ;-}
Here’s wishing that Santa brings your best gift in a small package this year.
Merry Christmas!
However you are spending this Thanksgiving holiday, whether it’s all good, or there’s some misfortune thrown in, find the gratitude in your heart — somewhere, somehow — and let it spread all through you, until there is no room for anything else.
Ok, except pecan pie. It would be unfortunate to not save room for that. ;-)
Happy Thanksgiving.
Painting available for sale. Inquire via my Contact Page.
Packing up, moving — not just a house, but a lifetime.
I don’t know how I did it.
I got up at 4 am, sometimes cheated and got up at 3:30. Sometimes really cheating bad and not exercising. It was insane, and I knew it even as I did it. I didn’t think about it — the why, the logistics, the emotional toll. I just did what had to be done for that day.
Dogged perseverance.
Read MoreMy mother works full-time assisting teachers at a preschool. As she gets to know the very young children just starting out in life, she says to herself, “What will this boy, this girl do with those little hands?” Children’s curious hands are busy exploring, touching, learning – testing life out. When those hands become adult size, what will they be doing?
My mom tells me how she used to hold my tiny hands and look at me and say, “What are you going to make with your hands?”
Read MoreOne of my favorite traditions from childhood is having gobs of chocolate on Easter. I know the holiday has much more significance than brightly colored eggs and chocolate bunnies in an Easter basket, but I’m just being honest here. I could blame my mom?
Read MoreSay “I Love You” to somebody today.
and, please. . .include chocolate whenever possible! ♡
Indulge by allowing yourself to feel however you feel – no judgment.
> How do you feel about your resolutions now?
Where is your psychic energy? Liberate it.
> Am I allowing the inner critic to run amok in my head?
You’re able to change your thinking to align yourself.
> Are you?
New Year Horoscope Resolutions ~ Week One
The change you resist the most will be the best one to make.
> Are you making any new year resolutions?
However you are spending the last days of the year 2018, I hope it’s filled with holiday merriment, beauty, all-out fun, and much deserved relaxation.
and. . .well, why not? . . throw in a little delicate winter magic.
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