The way I like to work is to just start drawing without any plan and be surprised at whatever comes out of my head at the moment.
I try not to think about it too much. Just let my hand draw spontaneously, free, uncensored – without my mind, my better judgment, or my fierce inner critic butting in.
My art projects are usually created within the confines of specs, goals, and deadlines.
But the intention of my blog is for it to be a freeform ongoing project. No expectations.
Just draw, write, create...and see what happens as I go along.
This painting that I did years ago still motivates and inspires me to keep trying new things with my art ~ namely this blog!
Write. Revise. Cut. Paste. Write again. Pee. Make tea. Read. Write.
Wonder: Is it any good?
The perfect is the enemy of the good.
Considering time constraints and my inexperience,
maybe my blog won't always be as good as I'd like it to be.
But I'll do my best. Have fun with it.
And that is perfectly good enough for me.